Membership. The district assembly shall be composed of all assigned elders (532–532.3, 533–533.1, 536.9); all assigned deacons (531–531.4, 536.9); all assigned licensed ministers (530.8); all retired assigned ministers (534–534.1); the district secretary (216.2); the district treasurer (219.2); chairpersons of standing district committees reporting to the district assembly; any lay presidents of Nazarene institutions of higher education, whose local church membership is on the district; the District Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) chairperson (239.2); the district age-group ministries international directors (children and adult); the District SDMI Board; the president of the District Nazarene Youth International (NYI) (240.4); the president of the District Nazarene Missions International (NMI) (241.2); the newly elected superintendent or vice superintendent of each local SDMI Board (146); the newly elected president or vice president of each local NYI (151); the newly elected president or vice president of each local NMI (153.2); or an appropriately elected alternate may represent the NMI, NYI, and SDMI organizations in the district assembly; those serving in assigned roles of ministry according to 503–526.1; the lay members of the District Advisory Board (221.4); lay career missionaries whose local church membership is on the district; all retired assigned lay career missionaries whose local church membership is on the district; and the lay delegates from each local church and church-type mission in the assembly district. (24, 113.14–113.15, 201.1–201.2)


The district treasurer, elected by the District Advisory Board, shall serve for a period of one to three years and until his or her successor is elected and qualified. (222.18)


If the district treasurer shall cease to serve, for any cause, in the interim of sessions of the district assembly, the District Advisory Board shall elect his or her successor upon nomination by the district superintendent. (208.8)


The district treasurer shall be a member ex-officio of the district assembly. (201)


The duties of the district treasurer are:


To receive all such moneys from his or her district as may be designated by the General Assembly, or by the district assembly, or by the District Advisory Board, or as the needs of the Church of the Nazarene may require, and disburse the same according to the direction and policies of the district assembly and/or the District Advisory Board.


To keep a correct record of all moneys received and disbursed and to render a monthly report to the district superintendent for distribution to the District Advisory Board and an annual report to the district assembly, to which he or she shall be amenable.


To elect a district treasurer, to serve for a period of one to three years and until his or her successor is elected and qualified. (219)


See that all World Evangelism Fund monies raised through the local NMI are remitted promptly to the general treasurer; and that all District Ministries Fund monies are remitted promptly to the district treasurer. (136.2)


For translating the index locators.