
Appoint an investigating committee of three church members in case of accusation filed against a church member. (604)


A licensed minister who has united with a church or denomination other than the Church of the Nazarene, or engaged in other Christian ministry without the approval of his or her home District Advisory Board shall find his or her church membership and ministerial designation in the Church of the Nazarene will immediately cease, unless he or she has written approval of the Board of General Superintendents. In its minutes, the district assembly will record the following statement: “Removed from the membership and ministry of the Church of the Nazarene by uniting with another church, denomination, or ministry.” (107, 112)


A member of the clergy not in good standing may resign his or her credential, upon recommendation of the District Advisory Board. (538)


A member of the clergy may be expelled from the ministry of the Church of the Nazarene either through surrender of his or her credential or through disciplinary action according to paragraphs 605–608.


When an elder or deacon has been expelled, the credential of the member of the clergy shall be sent to the general secretary to be catalogued and preserved subject to the order of the district assembly of the district where the elder or deacon held membership at the time he or she was expelled. (326.5)


Pastors, local church boards, and others who determine assignments within the church shall not engage a member of the clergy who is not in good standing in any position of trust or authority such as supply minister, song director, Sunday School/Bible study/small group teacher, or other until the credential is restored. Exceptions to this prohibition require the written approval of both the district superintendent where such credential was lost and the general superintendent in jurisdiction of that district. (538.5–538.6)


Separation/Divorce. Within 48 hours of the filing of a request for divorce or legal termination/separation of a marriage of a minister or within 48 hours of the physical separation of the minister and his or her spouse for the purpose of discontinuing the physical cohabitation, the minister shall (a) contact the district superintendent, notifying the superintendent of the action taken; (b) agree to meet with the district superintendent and a member of the District Advisory Board at a mutually agreeable time and place, or if no mutually agreeable time and place can be arranged, at a time and place designated by the district superintendent; and, (c) explain (at the meeting designated in item “b”) the circumstances of the action taken, explain the marital conflict, and explain the biblical basis for justification as to why the member of the clergy should be permitted to continue to serve as a member of the clergy in good standing. If a member of the clergy fails to comply with the subsections above, such noncompliance shall be cause for discipline. All ministers whether active, inactive, or retired, assigned or unassigned, are subject to these provisions, and must show due regard for the united advice of the district superintendent and the District Advisory Board. No active or assigned minister may continue in any member of the clergy role without the affirmative vote of the District Advisory Board.


When an elder or deacon in good standing has filed his or her credential, such credential may, at any subsequent time when the elder or deacon is in good standing, be returned to the elder or deacon upon order of the district assembly where it was filed, provided that the return of his or her credential shall have been recommended by the district superintendent and the District Advisory Board. Between district assemblies, a District Advisory Board may vote to approve the return of a minister’s filed credential.


When an elder or deacon in good standing has resigned his or her order of ministry according to 537.1 and 537.8, he or she may be restored to said order by the district assembly, upon filling out the Ordination/Recognition Questionnaire, reaffirming the vows of ministry, and after examination by and the favorable recommendation of the District Ministerial Credentials Board and upon approval by the general superintendent in jurisdiction.


When an elder or deacon in good standing has united with another church, denomination, or ministry, or has, for any other reason, been dropped from the roll of ministers, and subsequently wishes to be reinstated, the request may be considered by the appropriate district board(s) and the district assembly upon prior approval by the general superintendent in jurisdiction.