
  1. The NYI Council is responsible for planning and organizing the total ministry for youth within the local church and, through its officers and directors, initiates and directs ministries and activities to reach young people for Christ and to respond to their spiritual growth needs, in harmony with local church leadership.
  2. The NYI Council defines the ministry focus of the local NYI in response to local youth ministry needs, and develops and assigns titles and job descriptions for ministry directors.
  3. The NYI Council gives leadership to the youth area of the Sunday School by promoting growth in enrollment and attendance for youth, nominating and providing training for youth Sunday School teachers and leaders, and recommending curriculum and resources to be used, in cooperation with the Sunday School Ministries Board.
  4. The NYI Council cooperates with the District NYI Council in promoting district, regional, and global NYI ministries to young people of the church.
  5. The NYI Council establishes and communicates the process for submitting revisions to the local ministry plan.