
To commission or register for one year those persons deemed qualified for the roles of ministry named and defined in 503–526.1 upon favorable recommendation of the Ministerial Credentials Board.


To recommend the granting of an initial license, or renewal of a license for the licensed minister serving as pastor. (530.5)


To approve or disapprove requests from local churches to operate Christian childcare/school (birth through secondary) ministries. At the discretion of the district superintendent and the District Advisory Board, a District Christian Childcare/Schools (birth through secondary) Committee may be established. Its function shall be to recommend policy, procedures, and philosophy to the District Advisory Board for application in the local church childcare/school (birth through secondary), and to help establish, support, and monitor such childcare/schools (birth through secondary). (152, 208.14, 516)


The district assembly receiving a transfer shall notify the district assembly issuing said transfer of the reception of the transferred person’s membership. Until the transfer is received by vote of the district assembly to which addressed, the person thus transferred shall be a member of the issuing district assembly. Such transfer is valid only until the close of the next session following the date of issue of the district assembly to which addressed. (203.8, 223, 228.10)


Official district forms may be secured from the General Secretary, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220, U.S.A.


For translating the index locators.