
To be custodian of all documents of the district assembly and turn them over promptly to his or her successor.


To preserve and file the full official journal for each quadrennium. (205.4)


To forward sufficient copies of the printed journal of each district assembly to the Global Ministry Center for distribution among the general officers of the Church of the Nazarene.


To present to the General Assembly, for the district assembly, the full official journal for the preceding quadrennium to be preserved and filed. (203.26, 205.3–205.4)


To do whatever else may pertain to his or her office.


To refer all items of business coming to him or her during the year to the proper assembly committee or standing board.


The district secretary may have as many assistants as the district assembly shall elect.


To elect a district secretary, to serve for a period of one to three years and until his or her successor is elected and qualified. (216)


All persons assigned to a particular role may request and obtain annually from the assigning district a certificate of their role of service, signed by the district superintendent and the district secretary.


Supervise the preparation of all statistical reports from all departments of the local church, and present promptly all such reports through the district secretary to the district assembly. (114.1)