
To plan, organize, promote, and conduct the ministry of Christian education for the local church. This is to be done subject to the direct care of the pastor, and the leadership of the Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) superintendent, and the direction of the local church board, in keeping with denominational objectives and standards established by the General Board and promoted through the Global Mission Committee and offices of Adult Ministries (AM), Nazarene Youth International (NYI), and Children’s Ministries (CM). These include both curriculum and program-oriented ministries for adults, youth, and children. The Sunday School/Bible studies/small groups, along with the preaching ministry, provide the core of the church’s study of Scripture and doctrine. Childcare/Schools (birth through secondary) and annual/special ministries and training, such as Caravan, Vacation Bible Schools, and singles’ ministries, provide opportunities through which scriptural doctrines are lived out and integrated into the life of the congregation. (515.15)


The role of the general superintendents is to provide apostolic and visionary spiritual leadership by:
• articulating mission
• casting vision
• ordaining members of the clergy
• propagating theological coherency, and
• providing general administrative oversight for the general church.


Provide supervision, guidance, and motivation for the general church, with appropriate attention to leadership and theology for all districts, agencies, and ministries of the global Church of the Nazarene.


Recommend, in consultation with the director of the Global Mission office, and respective national administrative directors and/or regional directors, changes in assignment of geographical areas subject to approval of the General Board.


Have primary authority with regard to ecclesiastical policies and plans (that is, issues of theology, ordination, and mission strategy), and to advise the General Board, its committees, and all boards of the Church of the Nazarene on other matters. The Board of General Superintendents shall make to the General Board and to the committees recommendations they deem advisable. The Board of General Superintendents shall approve or disapprove all nominations made by the Global Mission Committee to the General Board for appointment as missionaries.


Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International Bylaws

Mission Statement

The mission of Sunday School & Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) is to carry out the Great Commission to children, youth, and adults in preparation for a lifetime of making Christlike disciples in the nations.


The purpose of Sunday School & Discipleship Ministries International is:
A. To be a people of prayer, engaged in the Word, making Christlike disciples.
B. To intentionally develop relationships with unreached people so that they become Christlike disciples making Christlike disciples.
C. To teach the Word of God to children, youth, and adults so that they are saved, sanctified wholly, and maturing in Christian experience that results in a life of compassion, evangelism, Christian education, and disciple making.
D. To encourage everyone to faithfully engage in a discipleship ministry such as Sunday School/Bible studies, small groups, and other disciple-making ministries.


For translating the index locators.