
To urge new converts to qualify for church membership by a consistent devotional life, a study of the Bible and the Manual, individually and/or in a pastor’s membership class, remembering that members received by profession of faith help to conserve the fruits of evangelism. (20–21, 30.4)


Reference, through its Reference Committee, resolutions, recommendations, and implementing legislation from commissions and special committee reports and other documents to standing or special legislative committees of the assembly, or to regional caucuses for consideration before being presented to the assembly. The Reference Committee may submit legislation affecting only a specific region/regions to the General Assembly delegates of said region(s) meeting in caucus for action. Changes that affect the Manual must be acted upon by the entire General Assembly.


The Board of General Superintendents shall be the authority for interpretation of law and doctrine of the Church of the Nazarene, and meaning and force of provisions of the Manual, subject to an appeal to the General Assembly.


Make available the latest version of the Manual.


The Church of the Nazarene, from its inception, has been committed to higher education. The church provides the college/university with students, administrative and faculty leadership, and financial and spiritual support. The college/university educates the church’s youth and many of the church’s adults, guides them toward spiritual maturity, enriches the church, and sends out into the world thinking, loving servants of Christ. The church college/university, while not a local congregation, is an integral part of the church; it is an expression of the church.

The Church of the Nazarene believes in the value and the dignity of human life and the need for providing an environment in which people can be redeemed and enriched spiritually, intellectually, and physically, “made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work” (2 Timothy 2:21). The primary task and traditional expressions of local church activity—evangelism, religious education, compassionate ministries, and services of worship—exemplify the church’s love for God and concern for people.

At the local church level, the Christian education of youth and adults at various stages of human development intensifies the effectiveness of the gospel. Congregations may incorporate within their objectives and function childcare/school educational programs at any or all levels, from birth through secondary. At the general church level, the historic practice of providing institutions for higher education or ministerial preparation will be maintained. Wherever such institutions are operated, they shall function within the philosophical and theological framework of the Church of the Nazarene as established by the General Assembly and expressed through the Manual.


Read to the congregation the Constitution of the Church of the Nazarene and the Covenant of Christian Conduct contained in 1–21, 28–34, both inclusive, within each year (114), or have this section of the Manual printed and distributed annually to the members of the church.


For translating the index locators.