
Arrange, in conjunction with Global Clergy Development, ministerial studies for those serving in ministerial roles, lay or credentialed. (527–528)


The following definitions are of terms relating to general regulations for ministers of the Church of the Nazarene:

Members of the Clergy—elders, deacons and licensed ministers.

Laity—Members of the Church of the Nazarene who are not members of the clergy.

Active—fulfilling an assigned role.

Assigned—The status of a member of the clergy who is active in one of the roles listed in paragraphs 505-526.

Unassigned—The status of a member of the clergy who is in good standing but not presently active in one of the roles listed in paragraphs 505-526.

Retired Assigned—The status of a retired member of the clergy who was assigned at the time retirement was requested.

Retired Unassigned—The status of a retired member of the clergy who was not assigned at the time retirement was requested.

Disciplined—The status of a member of the clergy who has been deprived of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy by disciplinary action.

Filed Credential—The status of the credential of a member of the clergy in good standing who, because of inactivity in the ministry, has voluntarily temporarily given up the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy by filing his or her credential with the general secretary. A person who files his or her credential remains a member of the clergy and may have the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy reinstated by requesting that his or her credential be returned, in accordance with 538.2. (537, 537.2, 537.8)

Surrendered Credential—The status of the credential of a member of the clergy who, because of misconduct, accusations, confessions, result of action by a board of discipline, or voluntary action for any reason other than inactivity in the ministry has been deprived of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy. The person who surrenders his or her credential is still a member of the clergy, under discipline. The rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the member of the clergy may be restored.

Resigned—The status of the credential of a member of the clergy in good standing who, for personal reasons, has decided that he or she no longer wishes to be considered as a minister, and gives up the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy to become a layperson on a permanent basis.

A member of the clergy who is not in good standing may also resign his or her credential according to the provisions outlined in paragraph 537.4. (537.1, 537.8)

Removed—The status of the credential of a member of the clergy whose name has been removed from the roll of ministers in accordance with the provisions of 537.3.

Return of Credential—The reinstatement to the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy to one who has filed his or her credential.

Restoration of Credential—The reinstatement to the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy to one whose credential is surrendered or removed.

Rehabilitation—The process of seeking to bring a minister who has been disciplined or has voluntarily surrendered the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy to a place of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health and to a place of usefulness and constructive activity. Rehabilitation does not necessarily include the restoration of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy.

Accusation—A written document signed by at least two members of the Church of the Nazarene accusing a member of the Church of the Nazarene of conduct which if proven would cause the member to be subject to discipline under the terms of the Manual.

Knowledge—The awareness of facts learned by the exercise of one’s own senses.

Information—Facts learned from others.

Belief—A conclusion reached in good faith based upon knowledge and information.

Investigating Committee—A committee appointed in accordance with the Manual to gather information with regard to alleged or suspected misconduct.

Charges—A written document describing specifically the conduct of a member of the Church of the Nazarene which if proven would be the basis of discipline under the terms of the Manual.

Suspension—A type of disciplinary action which temporarily denies a member of the clergy the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy.

Good Standing—The status of a member of the clergy who has no unresolved accusations pending, is not currently under discipline, and whose credential is not surrendered or removed.


A member of the clergy shall always show due regard for the united advice of the district superintendent and the District Advisory Board. (518)


Any claim to participation by a member of the clergy, and/or his or her dependents in any plan or fund that the church may have now or hereafter for the assistance or support of its disabled or aged ministers shall be based only upon regular, active service rendered by the minister as an assigned pastor or evangelist or other recognized role, under the sanction of the district assembly. This rule shall exclude from such participation all those in part-time and occasional service.


When a member of the clergy in good standing ceases from an assigned ministry to pursue a calling or vocation other than being a member of the clergy in the Church of the Nazarene, he or she may resign the rights, privileges and responsibilities of being a member of the clergy and return the credential to the district assembly in which he or she holds standing, to be placed in the care of the general secretary. The record in the district minutes will show that he or she was “removed from the Roll of Ministers, having resigned his or her order.” A member of the clergy who thus resigns may have his or her credential returned according to the provisions of 538.3.


A member of the clergy who fails to fulfill the responsibilities of being a member of the clergy by remaining unassigned for four or more years will be considered to be no longer participating as a member of the clergy. In such instances, the person will be required to file his or her credential. The District Ministerial Credentials Board shall report to the district assembly “the credential of (the elder or deacon in question) has been filed by the District Ministerial Credentials Board.” This action should be considered nonprejudicial to character. The individual who files may have his or her credential reinstated according to the provisions of 538.2.


A member of the clergy may be removed from the Roll of Ministers if he or she receives a Letter of Commendation from his or her local church and does not use it in joining another Church of the Nazarene by the time of the next district assembly, or if he or she declares in writing that he or she has withdrawn from the Church of the Nazarene, or if he or she changes his or her residence from the address of record without providing the District Ministerial Credentials Board within one year with a new address of record, or if he or she joins another denomination either as a member or a minister, or if he or she fails to submit an annual report as required in 530.8 and 536.9; the District Ministerial Credentials Board may recommend and the district assembly may order that his or her name be removed from the membership roll of the local church and the Roll of Ministers of the Church of the Nazarene.


The perpetuity and effectiveness of the Church of the Nazarene depend largely upon the spiritual qualifications, the character, and the manner of life of its members of the clergy. Members of the clergy aspire to a high calling and function as anointed individuals in whom is placed the church’s trust. They accept their calling knowing that they will be held to high personal standards by those to whom they minister. Because of the high expectations placed upon them, the members of the clergy and their ministry are peculiarly vulnerable to any accusation of misconduct. It is therefore incumbent upon members to use the following procedures with the biblical wisdom and maturity that befits the people of God.


If a member of the clergy is accused of conduct unbecoming a minister, or of teaching doctrines out of harmony with the doctrinal statement of the Church of the Nazarene, or of serious laxity in the enforcement of the Covenant of Christian Character or the Covenant of Christian Conduct of the church, such accusations shall be placed in writing and shall be signed by at least two members of the Church of the Nazarene who are at the time in good standing. Accusations of sexual misconduct cannot be signed by any person who consented to participate in the alleged misconduct. The written accusation must be filed with the district superintendent who shall present it to the District Advisory Board of the district where the accused has ministerial membership. This accusation shall become part of the record in the case.

The District Advisory Board shall give written notice to the accused that accusations have been filed, as soon as practical by any method which gives actual notice. When actual notice is not practical, notice may be provided in the manner which is customary for serving legal notices in that locality. The accused and his or her counsel shall have the right to examine the accusations and to receive a written copy of the same immediately upon request. (538.7–538.9)


If, after investigation it appears that an accusation against a member of the clergy is without factual basis and has been filed in bad faith, the filing of the accusation may be grounds for disciplinary action against those who signed the accusation.