
Vacancies occurring in the membership of the General Board, and also the committees thereof, shall be filled upon nomination by the Board of General Superintendents, who shall present to the general secretary, the names of two eligible persons from whom for regional representation the Advisory Boards of the districts of the region on which the vacancy occurred shall elect one by a majority vote, each Phase 2 and Phase 3 District Advisory Board being entitled to one vote. For educational representation, the nominees shall be submitted to the General Board to elect one by a majority vote. For representation from Nazarene Youth International (NYI), nominees shall be submitted to the Global NYI Council to elect one by a majority vote. For representation from Nazarene Missions International (NMI), nominees shall be submitted from the Executive Committee of the Global NMI Council in consultation with the general superintendent in jurisdiction, and with the approval of the Board of General Superintendents to the Global NMI Council to elect one by a majority vote. For representation from Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI), the nominees shall be submitted to the General Board to elect one by a majority vote. (332.3–332.6)