
Support of the Ministry. “In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:14). The church is obligated to support its ministers, who have been called of God, and who, under the direction of the church, have given themselves wholly to the work of the ministry. We urge therefore that the members of the church voluntarily commit themselves to the task of supporting the ministry by gathering money weekly for this holy business and that the pastor’s salary be paid regularly every week. (115.4)


Upon issuing a call, the local church will specify the proposed remuneration. The amount of this remuneration shall be determined by the church board. When agreement has been entered into between the church or the church board and the pastor, the payment of the pastor’s salary in full shall be considered a moral obligation by the church. If, however, the church becomes unable to continue the payment of the salary agreed upon, such inability and failure shall not be considered a sufficient cause for civil action against the church by the pastor; and in no case shall the church or District Advisory Board be legally responsible in excess of funds raised during the term of the pastor’s actual service, and not otherwise designated. If civil action is taken against the church or District Advisory Board by a current or former pastor, a district may take steps to obtain the minister’s credential and subsequently drop the minister’s name from the ministerial roll.

The local church should also make provision for the pastor’s traveling and moving expenses. (33–33.3, 129.8–129.9)


The remuneration of the pastor shall commence on the Monday preceding the first official Sunday of service to the local church.


To determine the amount of compensation the pastor shall receive, and to review it at least once a year. (115.4, 123)


To provide ways and means for the support of the pastor, the pastoral supply, or any other paid workers of the church; to encourage and support through planning and budgeting the lifelong learning commitment of the pastor and staff. (115.4)


Executives’ Salaries. The General Board shall establish and document a “performance evaluation” and salary administration program that includes the department director and ministry/service directors and provides for a salary structure that recognizes both levels of responsibility and merit. The General Board shall annually review and approve the salaries of department directors, the Nazarene Publishing House president, and other officers as may be authorized and elected by the General Board.


For translating the index locators.