The Nazarene Publishing House (NPH), a corporation of Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A., shall have a Board of Directors composed of nine members: president of the Nazarene Publishing House, who shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation; general secretary, who shall be the ex-officio secretary of the corporation; one General Board member selected by the General Board Executive Committee; and six members-at-large, nominated by the Board of General Superintendents and elected by the General Board. They shall hold office until the final adjournment of the next General Assembly and until their successors are elected and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled by majority vote of the remaining members from nominations made by the Board of General Superintendents.


The Board of Directors shall review and provide guidance for the policy, planning, and business operations of the Nazarene Publishing House (NPH) and shall serve in accordance with the charter and bylaws of NPH and the General Board.


The Nazarene Publishing House (NPH) Board shall meet annually, or more frequently, as specified in the NPH Bylaws.


The Capital Expenditures Budget and an annual budget shall be prepared by the president of the Nazarene Publishing House for approval by the Board of Directors before adoption by the General Board.


The president of the Nazarene Publishing House (NPH) shall be responsible to the NPH Board of Directors for management of the corporation’s business, and shall report annually to the Board of Directors and to the General Board.


The president of Nazarene Publishing House shall be elected in accordance with 335.19, except that the Board of Directors will select one of their number to serve on the Search Committee when a new president is to be elected, and the Nominating Committee shall be composed of the six general superintendents, three members of the Board of Directors who are not members ex-officio, and three members of the General Board Executive Committee. He or she shall be amenable to the general superintendent in jurisdiction.


The president of Nazarene Publishing House shall be a member of the Global Ministry Center Directors Fellowship and the Planning and Budget Council.