
The district superintendent may preside at the annual, or a special meeting of a local church, or appoint a surrogate for such duty. (113.5)


If for any reason the general superintendent having jurisdiction fails to be present or to appoint a representative to present in his or her stead at the district assembly, the district superintendent shall call the district assembly to order and shall preside until other provision may be made by the district assembly. (307.5)


The district superintendent may fill vacancies in the following committees:

  1. District Assembly Finance Committee (203.21);
  2. District Auditing Committee (203.25);
  3. District Ministerial Credentials Board (226.1);
  4. District Ministerial Studies Board (229.1);
  5. District Evangelism Board or the district director of evangelism (232);
  6. District Church Properties Board (233);
  7. District Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) Board (238);
  8. District Court of Appeals (609);
  9. Other district boards and standing committees where such are not provided in the Manual or by assembly action.


The district superintendent may appoint all chairpersons, secretaries and members of the district boards and standing committees where such are not provided in the Manual or by assembly action.


The district superintendent, in consultation with the District Advisory Board, shall appoint a nominating committee to prepare nominations for the usual committees and offices in advance of the district assembly. (202.1)


The district superintendent shall be ex-officio chairperson of the District Advisory Board (221.2) and the District Ministerial Credentials Board (227.1).


The district superintendent shall be a member ex-officio of all elected and standing boards and committees on the district he or she serves. (203.20–203.21, 234, 238, 810, 811)


The district superintendent shall not create financial obligations, count moneys, or disburse funds for the district unless authorized and directed by majority vote of the District Advisory Board; such action, if taken, must be duly recorded in the minutes of the District Advisory Board. No district superintendent or any member of his or her immediate family shall be authorized to sign checks on any district account except upon the written approval of the District Advisory Board and the district assembly. Immediate family shall include spouse, children, siblings, or parents. (215, 219–220.2)


All official acts of the district superintendent shall be subject to review and revision by the district assembly and subject to appeal.


The district superintendent shall always show due regard for the advice of the general superintendent in jurisdiction and the Board of General Superintendents with consideration to pastoral arrangements and other matters relating to the office of the district superintendent.