
When in the opinion of the district superintendent, a local church declared in crisis in accordance with 125.1 has fulfilled the interventions set in place and is ready to resume its ministry under normal circumstances, the local church may be declared out of crisis by the majority vote of the District Advisory Board. The district superintendent shall notify the general superintendent in jurisdiction within 30 days.


To schedule and conduct, with each local church board, the regular church/pastoral review according to the provisions of 123.


To have special supervision of all the church-type missions of the Church of the Nazarene within the bounds of his or her assembly district.


To nominate to the District Advisory Board someone to fill a vacancy, should one occur in the office of district secretary. (216.1)


To nominate to the District Advisory Board someone to fill a vacancy, should one occur in the office of district treasurer. (219.1)


To appoint a district chaplaincy director to promote and amplify holiness evangelism through the specialized ministry of chaplaincy. (237)


To consult with the church board concerning the nomination of an elder or a licensed minister (elder track) to pastor a local church, and to approve or disapprove such nomination, with approval of the District Advisory Board. (115, 129.2, 222.14)


To schedule a special church/pastoral review (124), within 90 days of the request of a church board for such review, on the continuance of the church/pastoral relationship.


To approve or disapprove the granting of license to any member of the Church of the Nazarene who may request local minister’s license or renewal of local minister’s license from the church board of a local church not having an elder as pastor. (529.1, 529.3)


To approve or disapprove in writing requests from the pastor and the local church board to have or to employ any unpaid associate pastors or paid local associates (such as associate pastors; ministers or directors of Christian education, children, youth, adult, music, childcare/schools {birth through secondary}, etc.). The primary criteria for the district superintendent’s decisions to approve or disapprove, in concept, the hiring of paid staff will be the willingness and ability of the church to meet its local, district, and general obligations. It is the pastor’s responsibility to screen and select pastoral associates. However, the district superintendent shall have the right to disapprove the nominee. (129.27, 160–160.8)