
Secretary. The secretary of the church board shall be the secretary of all church meetings; in his or her absence a secretary pro tempore shall be elected. (135.4)


Reports. Reports shall be given at the annual church meeting by the pastor (515.7), the Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) superintendent (146.6), the president of the Nazarene Youth International (151.4), the president of the Nazarene Missions International (153.2), the deaconesses (507), the local ministers (529.1), the secretary (135.2), and the treasurer (136.5) of the church board.


The pastor who resigns shall, in cooperation with the secretary of the church board, prepare a correct list of the church membership roll with current addresses. This roll must correspond numerically with the last published district minutes showing deletions and additions for the current year.


Meetings. The church board takes office at the beginning of the church year and shall have at least a bimonthly meeting and shall meet specially when called by the pastor or district superintendent. The church board secretary shall call a special meeting of the board only with the approval of the pastor, or the district superintendent when there is no pastor. Between the annual church meeting and the beginning of the church year, the newly elected church board may meet for organization purposes, at which time it shall elect a church board secretary and a church treasurer as provided hereafter and any other officer that it shall be their duty to elect. (129.19–130)


To elect a secretary from among the church membership who meets the qualifications for church officers as specified in paragraph 34. Such election shall be held at the first meeting of the new board. The individual so elected shall serve until the close of the church year and until a successor has been elected and qualified, and has voting privileges only if elected to the church board at a duly-called meeting of the members of the congregation. (34, 113.6–113.8, 113.11, 128, 135.1–135.7)


Church Secretary. The duties of the secretary of the church board are:


To record correctly and preserve faithfully the minutes of all church meetings and meetings of the church board, and do whatever else may pertain to the office. Board minutes should identify all voting board members as present or absent to clearly document a quorum. (120.1, 129.19)


To present to the annual meeting of the church an annual report of the major activities of the local church, including statistics on membership. (113.9)


To see that official papers, records, and legal documents pertaining to the local church, including deeds, abstracts, insurance policies, loan documents, church membership rolls, historical records, church board minutes, and incorporation papers are held in trust in either fireproof or secure safes on the local church premises, or when feasible, they may be placed in safe deposit facilities in local banks or similar institutions. Access to such shall always be shared with the pastor and church treasurer, and care for such shall be delivered immediately to the church secretary’s successor in office.


To be the secretary of all annual and special church meetings; and to be custodian of the minutes and other papers of such annual and special church meetings. (113.6)