Restrictions. The local church may not purchase or lease real estate, nor sell, mortgage, refinance, exchange, or in any other way encumber real property, or otherwise dispose of real estate unless approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present at an annual meeting, or at a special meeting duly called. The church board may approve by two-thirds vote of its members present and voting, the disposition of properties donated for the specific purpose of providing funds for the local church. Both items require the written approval of the district superintendent and the District Church Properties Board. (113.3–113.4, 113.7–113.8, 234.3–234.4)


The real estate of the local church shall not be mortgaged to meet current expenses.


A local church which mortgages or sells real estate, or receives insurance claims on real estate, shall use the proceeds only for the purchase or capital improvement of real estate, or to reduce other real estate indebtedness. Only with the approval of the district superintendent and the District Advisory Board shall any proceeds be used for other purposes.


Trustees and/or a local church may not divert property from the use of the Church of the Nazarene. (113–113.1)


Withdrawal of Churches. No local church may withdraw as a body from the Church of the Nazarene, or in any way sever its relation thereto, except by provision of the General Assembly, and upon agreed conditions and plans. (106.2–106.3)


For translating the index locators.