
Reports. The General Board shall, at its regular meeting, receive a detailed report of activities of the departments for the past year, including a financial report. Each department shall also submit a proposed expenditures budget for the ensuing year.


The General Board members representing United States regions shall elect a Board of Pensions and Benefits USA, composed of one member representing each United States region, and one member-at-large. Nominations shall be submitted by the Board of General Superintendents as provided by the Bylaws of the Board of Pensions and Benefits USA. (337)


There shall be a pensions board, or equivalent authorized body, with fiduciary responsibility for each church-related pension plan. A pension plan may apply at organizational, district, multidistrict, national, regional, or multiregional level as the needs may dictate. (335.14)


The General Board shall establish and maintain suggested guidelines that are relevant to pension programs worldwide. The General Board does not guarantee any pension plan from loss or depreciation. The General Board does not guarantee the payment of any money that may be or becomes due to any person from any pension plan, and shall not be liable in the case of the underfunding of any pension plan. (33.5)


All pension plans shall submit an annual report to the General Board through Pensions and Benefits International in the form and format requested. (33.5)


Any claim to participation by a member of the clergy, and/or his or her dependents in any plan or fund that the church may have now or hereafter for the assistance or support of its disabled or aged ministers shall be based only upon regular, active service rendered by the minister as an assigned pastor or evangelist or other recognized role, under the sanction of the district assembly. This rule shall exclude from such participation all those in part-time and occasional service.


For translating the index locators.