Following the General Assembly, the Global Clergy Development director, in consultation with regional education coordinators, shall submit a list of nominees to serve on the International Course of Study Advisory Committee (ICOSAC). Nominees to the committee may include pastoral, administrative, educational, and lay representatives. Composition of ICOSAC should substantially represent the global church. The Board of General Superintendents shall appoint the International Course of Study Advisory Committee to serve for the quadrennium.

The International Course of Study Advisory Committee shall meet not less than once every two years at a location determined by the Global Clergy Development director (527.1–527.2, 527.5).


Fulfillment of Educational Foundations for Ordained Ministry. The Church of the Nazarene provides a variety of educational institutions and programs around the world. The resources of some global areas allow more than one program to be developed to provide the educational foundations for ministry. Each student is expected to take advantage of the most appropriate validated course of study provided by the Church in his or her area of the world. When not possible, the Church will utilize as much flexibility in delivery systems as feasible to prepare every person called by God to ministry in the Church. A validated course of study, directed and supervised by the District Ministerial Studies Board, and college/seminary programs, developed by the educational institutions, may be used. They should cover the same general standards as outlined in the International Sourcebook on Developmental Standards for Ordination and the regional Sourcebook on Ordination. When a licensed minister satisfactorily completes a validated course of study, the education provider shall issue a certificate of completion to the licensed minister. The licensed minister shall present the certificate of completion to the District Ministerial Studies Board responsible for considering recommendation to the district assembly for graduation from a validated course of study.


Cultural Adaptations for the Educational Foundations for Ordained Ministry. The variety of cultural contexts around the world makes one curriculum unsuited for all global areas. Each region of the world will develop specific curricular requirements, providing the educational foundations for ministry in a way that reflects the resources and the expectations of that global area. Approval of the International Course of Study Advisory Committee, the General Board, and the Board of General Superintendents (527.5) will be required before implementing a regionally designed program. Even within global regions there are varieties of cultural expectations and resources. As a result, cultural sensitivity and flexibility will characterize regional provisions for the educational foundations for ministry, which shall be directed and supervised by the District Ministerial Studies Board. Cultural adaptations of each region’s program for providing educational foundations for ministry will be approved by Global Clergy Development and the International Course of Study Advisory Committee in consultation with the regional educational coordinator.


All courses, academic requirements, and official administrative regulations shall be in a regional Sourcebook on Ordination developed by the region/language group in cooperation with Global Clergy Development. This regional Sourcebook with necessary revisions shall be endorsed by the International Course of Study Advisory Committee and approved by Global Clergy Development, the General Board, and the Board of General Superintendents. The Sourcebook shall be in compliance with the Manual and with the International Sourcebook on Developmental Standards for Ordination, produced by Global Clergy Development with the International Course of Study Advisory Committee. The International Course of Study Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Board of General Superintendents.


For translating the index locators.