
Insure that institutions are under legal control of their respective governing boards whose constitutions and bylaws shall conform to their respective charters or articles of incorporation and that shall be in harmony with the guidelines set by the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene.


Insure that members of governing boards of Nazarene institutions shall be members of the Church of the Nazarene in good standing. They are to be in full accord with the Articles of Faith, including the doctrine of entire sanctification and the usages of the Church of the Nazarene as set forth in the Manual of the church. Insofar as possible, the membership of the higher education boards of control shall have an equal number of ministers and laity.


Receive such funds as may be contributed for educational purposes through gifts, bequests, and donations, and shall annually recommend allocations from these funds to each educational institution in accordance with policy adopted by the General Board. Institutions shall not continue to receive regular support unless their education standards, plan of organization, and financial reports are filed with the International Board of Education.


Receive and deal appropriately with a yearly report from the education commissioner summarizing the following information from all International Board of Education institutions: (1) annual statistical report, (2) annual audit report, and (3) annual fiscal budgets for the upcoming year.


Recommend and provide support and advocacy, although its role is advisory to the institutions, to the Board of General Superintendents and to the General Board.


Serve the church in matters pertaining to Nazarene educational institutions in order to strengthen the bonds between the institutions and the church at large.


Submit its business and recommendations to the appropriate committee of the General Board.


For translating the index locators.