
We are agreed that authority given to superintendents shall not interfere with the independent action of a fully organized church. Each church shall enjoy the right to select its own pastor, subject to such approval as the General Assembly shall find wise to institute. Each church shall also elect delegates to the various assemblies, manage its own finances, and have charge of all other matters pertaining to its local life and work.


The General Assembly shall organize the membership of the church into district assemblies, giving such lay and ministerial representation therein as the General Assembly may deem fair and just, and shall determine qualifications of such representatives, provided, however, that all assigned ordained ministers shall be members thereof. The General [Assembly] Boundaries Committee shall [also] fix the boundaries of assembly districts[, and]. The General Assembly shall also define the powers and duties of district assemblies. (200–205.6)


In case a local church becomes inactive or disorganized, or in the event of withdrawal or attempted withdrawal from the Church of the Nazarene (as certified by the District Advisory Board), any church property that may exist may in no way be diverted to other purposes, but title shall pass to the District Advisory Board acting as agent for said district where such has been incorporated, or other authorized agents, for the use of the Church of the Nazarene at large, as the district assembly shall direct. Local church trustees holding property for the inactive or disorganized church shall sell or dispose of the same only on the order and under the direction of the District Advisory Board or other appointed agent of the district assembly, with the written approval of the general superintendent in jurisdiction; either conveying said property or delivering the proceeds from the sale thereof as directed by the district assembly or its District Advisory Board. (104.4, 106, 222.20)


When a local church has been declared inactive, the signatories on all church monetary and/or security accounts must transfer the proceeds of the same to the District Advisory Board for deposit. Refusal to comply authorizes the District Advisory Board by resolution to close all accounts and assume jurisdiction of all assets where the law allows.


At the annual church meeting, there shall be an election, by ballot, of lay delegates to the district assembly, or, if approved by a majority vote of the church membership at the annual meeting, delegates may be recommended by the pastor and approved by the local church board on the basis of representation fixed by the General Assembly according to 201–201.2. All those elected as delegates shall be active members of that same local Church of the Nazarene. (107.3, 113.11)


District assembly delegates from a church-type mission (CTM) may be appointed by its pastor based on criteria outlined in paragraphs 34, 201.1, and 201.2. Delegates may also be named by the CTM pastor for district conventions, based on specific criteria according to the bylaws, charter, or constitution governing each ministry (Nazarene Missions International, Nazarene Youth International, Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International). (100.1)


The administrative year shall run concurrently with the statistical year of the local church and shall be recognized as the church year.


The statistical year shall close within 90 days prior to the opening of the district assembly; and the new statistical year shall begin the day following its close. The exact date of the beginning and close of the statistical year within these bounds shall be set by the District Advisory Board. (222.1)


To recommend, at its discretion, to the district assembly, upon nomination by the pastor, any person who desires to receive a certificate for any of the assigned roles of ministry, including all lay and ministerial candidates aspiring to be recognized for ministries beyond the local church, if such recommendation is required by the Manual.


To recommend, at its discretion, to the district assembly, upon nomination by the pastor, any person who desires the Licensed Minister’s Credential or its renewal. (529.5, 530.1)